
Stanza 6-7 Skill

Rhyme (3) examples

Repetition (3) examples

Alliteration (3) examples

Symbolism (2) examples - give the item and what it stands for
*an item that stands for something.


Anonymous said...

1. turning burning, before explore more, shutter flutter
2. more more, and this mystery explore, and his mystery i explore
3. and this mystery i explore , and this mystery i explore, above my camber door, just above my camber door

4. raven, bust of pallas

Anonymous said...

1. turning burning, explore more before, turning burning
2. and this mystery explore, and this mystery i explore, above my chamber door above my chamber door, more more
3. flirt flutter, surly something, stopped stayed,

Anonymous said...

shutter flutter more before explore

this mystery explore

just above my chamber dor

Anonymous said...

1.turnig burning, before more, shutter futter
2.more more, mystery mystery, door door
3.flirt flutter, shrley somethin, stoped stayed

Anonymous said...

1. Before explore more, shutter flutter, turning burning.

2. More, and this mystery explore, above my chamber door.

3. Flirt flutter, surly something, stopped stayed.

4. Bust of Pallas stand for wisdom.

4.* Ravens stand for death.

Anonymous said...

1. Before explore more, shutter flutter, turning burning.

2. More, and this mystery explore, above my chamber door.

3. Flirt flutter, surly something, stopped stayed.

4. Bust of Pallas stand for wisdom.

4.* Ravens stand for death.

Anonymous said...

1)turning burning,before more, shutter flutter
2)more more, and this mystery explore, and his mystery i explore
3) and this mystery i explore, and this mystery i explore, above my chamber door, just above my chamber door
4)raven,bust of pallas

Anonymous said...

1. Turning buring,explore more,shutter fluter.
2. More,and this mystery explore,my chamber door.
3. Flirt fluter,surely something, stopped stayed.
4. Pallas-shows wisdom
Raven-death and depression

Anonymous said...


and this mystery explore,and this mystery explore.
above my chamber door,above my chamber door.

alliteration-flirt flutter
surely something
stopped stayed


Anonymous said...

(1.) turning burning, before explore more, shutter flutter
(2.) more more, and this mystery explore, mystery I explore
(3.) and this mystery I explore , and this mystery I explore, above my camber door, just above my camber door.
The raven-symbolizes pride,fear
The bust-represents wisdom perhaps wealth.

Anonymous said...

1.turning burning, explore more before, shutter flutter
2.door door, mystery mystery, more more
3.flirt flutter, surly something stopped stayed
4.raven bust of Pallas

Anonymous said...

turning,burning/ before,explore/ shutter,flutter

and this mystery explore, and this mystery explore/ above my chamber door, above my chamber door/ he,he

stepped, stately, saintly/ stopped, stayed/

Raven: evil,bird
bust of Pallas: wisdom

Anonymous said...




1.pallas-stands for wisdom
2.Raven-Stands for the bird?

Anonymous said...


2.and nothing more,and nothing more
and this mystery explore,and this mystery explore
above my chamber door,above my chamber door



Anonymous said...

1~rhyme~(turning,burning)(before,explore,more)shutter,flutter) (yore,door,more)
2~repetition~(and this mystery explore,and this mystery explore)(above my chamber door,above my chamber door)
4~symbolism~(raven,bust of Pallas)

Anonymous said...

turning burning, before explore more, shutter flutter
more more, and this mystery explore, and his mystery I explore

not done

Anonymous said...

1)Shutter flutter ,more explore before ,burning turning.
2)More More, And this mystery i explore And this mystery i explore
3)Flirt flutter, surly something, stopped stayed.
4)Raven stands for death, bust of pallas stands for wisdom

Anonymous said...

1)Shutter flutter ,more explore before ,burning turning.
2)More More, And this mystery i explore And this mystery i explore
3)Flirt flutter, surly something, stopped stayed.
4)Raven stands for death, bust of pallas stands for wisdom

Anonymous said...

1.burning, turning
flutter, shutter
stately, saintly
2.and nothing more, and nothing more
and this mystery explore, and this mystery explore
above my chamber door, above my chamber door
3.perched, upon, pallas
lord, lady
moment, mystery
4.Darkness-evil, scary
Raven-death, warning

Anonymous said...

Skill points: 11 possible

1. 11
3. 9 #4 incorrect
4. 10 #4 incorrect
6. 6 #3,4 incorrect
7. 11
8. 11
9. 11
10. 10 #4 incorrect
11. 9 #3,4 incorrect
12. 4 #2,3,4 incorrect, number responses
14. 10 #4 incorrect
15. 11
16. 9 #3 incorrect
17. 11
18. 11
19. 11
20. 11

Anonymous said...

1. turning burning, explore more before, turning burning
2. and this mystery explore, and this mystery i explore, above my chamber door above my chamber door, more more
3. flirt flutter, surly something, stopped stayed,

Anonymous said...

Skill points: 11 possible

1. 11
3. 9 #4 incorrect
4. 10 #4 incorrect
5. 9 #4
6. 6 #3,4 incorrect
7. 11
8. 11
9. 11
10. 10 #4 incorrect
11. 9 #3,4 incorrect
12. 4 #2,3,4 incorrect, number responses
14. 10 #4 incorrect
15. 11
16. 9 #3 incorrect
17. 11
18. 11
19. 11
20. 11

Anonymous said...

1. More explore before, flirt flutter.
2. And this mystery explore and this mystery explore,

not done

Anonymous said...

1. More explore before, flirt flutter.
2. And this mystery explore and this mystery explore,

not done

Anonymous said...

1. More explore before, flirt flutter.
2. And this mystery explore and this mystery explore,and nothing more and nothing more,above my chamber door above my chamber door.

not done

Anonymous said...

1. More explore before, flirt flutter.
2. And this mystery explore and this mystery explore,and nothing more and nothing more,above my chamber door above my chamber door.
3. flirt flutter, stepped stately saintly, made minute, stopped stayed.
4. Raven: The symbol of death, pallas: wisdom.

Anonymous said...

1. turning burning,before more explore,shutter flutter.

2. this mystery explore and this mystery i explore, above my chamber door,above my chamber door.

3.Flirt fluter,surely something, stopped stayed.


Anonymous said...

pablo said...
1. turning burning,before more explore,shutter flutter.

2. this mystery explore and this mystery i explore, above my chamber door,above my chamber door.

3.Flirt fluter,surely something, stopped stayed.

bust of pallas-stands for wisdom

bear said...

1. turning,burning
2. unbroken, token,spoken
3. before, explore, more
1. and this mystery explore,and this mystery explore
2. surely,surely
3. above my chamber door,above my chamber door
1. flirt and flutter
2. stepped a stately
3. stopped and stayed
1. Raven stands for death.
2. Bust a Pallas stands for wisdom

hollywood undead27 said...

1. Turning, burning. lattice,thereat is,before,explore,more.
2.surely,and this mystery explore,above my chamber door.
4.raven stands for death.
pallas stands for wisdom.

peyton manning said...

1.turning, burning
explore, more
lattice, thereat is

2.explore, explore
door, door
chamber, chamber

3.surely, something
flirt and flutter
stepped, stately

bust of pallas-person

Shadow Slayer Renza said...

1. Turning burning, before explore more, shutter flutter
2. More more, and this mystery explore, and his mystery i explore
3. And this mystery i explore , and this mystery i explore, above my camber door, just above my camber door

4. Raven, bust of Pallas.

Ricky Carmichael said...

1. Ryhme
turning, burning
before, explore
shutter, flutter
2. Repitition
surely, surely
above my chamber door, above my chamber door
and this mystery explore, and this mystery explore
3. Symbolism
bust of Pallas- wisdom
raven- death

Wayne Carter_3:) said...

1. Turning, burning/ shutter, flutter/ made he, stayed he.
2. mystery explore, mystery explore/ let, let/ perched, perched
3. flirt and flutter, lord or lady, stopped or stayed.
4. burning-fire/ perched-sit upon

L3gIt Precise said...

1.Turning burning,Explore before,Shutter flutter.
2.More more,And nothing more,And nothing more.
3.Turning burning,Lord lady,Flirt flutter.
4.Lattice is frame work,Obeisance is a movement of the body expressing deep respect.

(__-Enjoi-__) said...

1. turning burning, before explore more, shutter flutter.
2. More more, and this mystery explore, and his mystery i explore.
3. And this mystery i explore, and this mystery i explore, above my chamber door, just above my chamber door.
4. raven, bust of pallas

(__-Enjoi-__) said...

1. turning burning, before explore more, shutter flutter.
2. More more, and this mystery explore, and his mystery i explore.
3. And this mystery i explore, and this mystery i explore, above my chamber door, just above my chamber door.
4. raven, bust of pallas

Princess Consuela BH said...

"turning" and "burning"
"shutter" and "flutter"
"yore" and "dore"

"and this mystery explore"
"above my chamber door"
"nothing more"

"moment" and "mystery"
"flirt" and "flutter"
"stepped", "stately", and "saintly"

"raven" is symbolism for death
"bust of Pallas" is symbolism for wisdom

XRoxasXKHII said...

1. Turning, burning, before, more, shutter, flutter.
2. Explore, explore, door, door, surely, surely.
3. Surely, said, surely, flirt and flutter, stopped or stayed.
4. Raven: Death, Pallas: Wisdom, warfare

Jarhead said...

1. Turning, burning, before, more, lattice, thereat is,
2. Surely, surely, and this mystery explore, and this mystery explore, above my chamber door, above my chamber door.
3. "Surely," said I, surely that is something at my window lattice, Stepped a stately, lord or lady.

lilwizzle:) said...

turning, burning
before, more
flutter, shutter
above my chamber door,
and nothing more,
and this mystery I explore
doubting, dreaming dreams, whispered word, deep into that darkness
bust of pallas(wisdom),raven(death).

lilwizzle:) said...

turning, burning
before, more
flutter, shutter
above my chamber door,
and nothing more,
and this mystery I explore
doubting, dreaming dreams, whispered word, deep into that darkness
bust of pallas(wisdom),raven(death).

S.O.A.P said...

1.turning, burning - before, explore-
shutter, flutter
2.more, more - and this mystery I explore, and this mystery I explore
3.flirt, flutter - surly, something-
stopped, stayed
4.raven - death, bust - wisdom

kalas472 said...

1. Turning and burning, before and explore, shutter and flutter.
2. Explore and explore, door and door, perched and perched.
3. surely and said, moment and mystery,

poohbear95 said...

1. turnig ,burnig and shutter, flutter,and before ,explore
2. more more, mystery mystery, door door
3. Raven symbolises death andpallas symbolises wisdom

poohbear95 said...

1. turning ,burning and shutter, flutter,and before ,explore
2. more more, mystery mystery, door door
**3. flirt flutter, surely something, stopped stayed,
4.Raven symbolizes death and pallas symbolizes wisdom

littlegirlwatchesscarymovie said...

1. Turning, burning, before, explore, more, shutter, flutter
2. This mystery explore, this mystery explore, more, more, above my chamber door, above my chamber door
3. Surely, said, surely, something
lord, lady
4. bust of Pallas, stands for the great god Athena, the raven stands for death

LowRida said...

1. Explore, More Shutter Made, Stayed
2. More, More Above my chamber door, Above my chamber Mystery, Mystery
3. Flirt, Flutter Back, Burning Mystery, More

LowRida said...

1. Explore, More Shutter, Flutter Made, Stayed
2. More, More Above my chamber door, Above my chamber Mystery, Mystery
3. Flirt, Flutter Back, Burning Mystery, More

England,UK said...

1.Rhyme-(turning, burning)(made, stayed)(shutter, flutter)
2.Repetition-(stepped, stately, saintly)(flung, flirt, flutter)(surely, surely, something)
3.(not done)

England,UK said...

1.Rhyme-(turning, burning)(made, stayed)(shutter, flutter)
2.Repetition-(surely)(my chamber door)(this mystery explore)
3.Alliteration-(Stepped, stately, saintly)(flung, flirt, flutter)(surely, surely, something)
4.Symbolism-(raven-death and depression)(flung-fast)

Dr. Buechler said...

8 Points

1. 6 #3 & 4 incorrect
2. 8
3. 7 #2 incorrect
4. 7 #4 incorrect
5. not posted
6. 7 #4 incorrect
7. 8
8. 8
9. 7 #4 incorrect
10. not posted
11. 7 #3 punctuation
12. 8
13. 7 #3 incorrect
14. 8
15. 8
16. 6 #3 & #4 incorrect
17. 7 #4 incorrect
18. not posted
19. 7 #4 not posted
20. 7 #4 incorrect
21. 8

boom boom party starta the third said...

1. Before explore more, turning burning, shutter flutter
2. and this mystery explore, and his mystery i explore, more more
3. and this mystery i explore, and this mystery i explore, above my chamber door above my chamber door

4. ravens are a symbol of death

lether face 69 said...


Repetition:2.and nothing more,and nothing more
and this mystery explore,and this mystery explore
above my chamber door,above my chamber door

