Write a summary for these stanzas.
Sentence 1: Overall idea
Sentence 2: Beginning idea
Sentence 3: Middle idea
Sentence 4: Ending idea
Sentence 5: Prediction
Sentence 1: Overall idea
Sentence 2: Beginning idea
Sentence 3: Middle idea
Sentence 4: Ending idea
Sentence 5: Prediction
That he was still scared. Then he kept hearing the tapping noise. After that the black bird came into in window. That he new that the bird was a simbol of something that bad happend. I predict that something bad is going to happen becuase of the dead bird.
He doesn't know what is going on so he is still scared. He kept hearing a tapping noise at his chamber door. A raven flew and landed on the statue. The statue represented the symbol of love and the raven had a symbol of death. I think that he is going to die soon because of the raven.
That overall idea is that the bird comes in the house. In the beinning he was shutting the door and then a a loud tap came from the window. In the middle he opens the window and it flys in. At the end it lands on a pallas which means love. I predict that its happen for a reason that his wife is trying to talk him.
the guy is walking back from the door and he hears the tapping again only its not at the door its at the window he goes ever to the window and a raven is pearched and flew and sat on a bust.i predict that the bird is going to di simething.
A crow comes in his house. Something is tapping on the window. He opena it and a crow comes in. it sits on the bust. he wil die.
There was a tapping on the door . There was a tapping on the window. There was a raven at the window. The bird landed on the statue thingy. I think the raven is going to be the guys friend.
That he was still scared. There was a tapping on the door. He opened the window and landed on the Pallis. The guy new that the black bird was a symbol of death. I predict that it was the bird.
The sign of death flies into the room on the symbol of love.
The raven coming in his room. The begining sentence of this is he heard a tapping on his door. The is him opening the window and a bird comes. The raven comes ing fluttering and landing on the godess of love. I think that something bad is going to happen.
The whole idea is the raven coming into his window. Then after that he kept on hearing the tapping at his door. Then in the middle a raven came flying into his room. Then at the end he relized that the raven meaned something bed will happen. I predict that the raven will be a bad bird.
1.Poe opened the door and there was darkness. 2.He hread the window rattling and thought it was the wind. 3.He was getting scared and thought he should go out to find the source of the tapping. 4.A raven came though the window and sat on a bust. 5. I predict that Poe is going to freak out.
A bird came in through the window. The tapping is still there at the door. The bird came in the window. Then it pirched on the stone head of love. i predict that it means that his wife is going to die.
The overall idea of this was He kepts hearing a tapping. The first thing that he went over to the window. The second thing is that the bird flew in. The last thing is that he was flying around. I predict that he will start crying.
the overall idea is that a raven flew into his room and landed on a bust of pallas. he closed his doora nd then he heard tapping.he opened it aand araven flew in. I thinik that the raven is his dead wife.
He really has no clue on what is going on. Hes trying to figure it out. The knocking on the doors were scaring him. And now this bird just came right through his window and went to the stone of love. I predict that the bird is a message of his dead wife.
The sign of death flies into the room on the symbol of love.He kept hearing tapping at his window.The bird came flying into the roomand landed the statue of love.The crow is the sign of death so it was kind of wierd.I predict that he is going to kill himself.
That he was still scared. Then he kept hearing the tapping noise. After that the black bird came into in window. That he new that the bird was a simbol of something that bad happend. I predict that something bad is going to happen becuase of the dead bird.
The bird comes to the house. A loud tap came from the window. He opens the window and the bird flies in.It lands on a pallas. I think thats its a way for him to reunite with his wife.
A bird flow in the chamber window and landed on the bust.
He heard the name of his wife. Then a raven flew though the window. He asked the raven what its name was. The raven said never more. I predict that he will really start to wonder what is going on.
The overall idea in these stanzas are that a raven came into his window and sat on his statue. But he knew the bird was a symbol of death. So he was scared. I predict that the bird is just going to saty there. I like this poem alot now!!
The overall idea of the stanza was that the bird flew into the window. The bird is a symbol of death. The head of the statchue was a symbol of love. I wonder if the the bird is going to have a ghostly story behide it.
stanza 6-7 are manly about about how the symbol of death landed on the goddess of love. There's a knocking at the door.There was a knocking at the window.There is a person whispering Lenore. There is a ghost.
The guy is still afraid 'cause he has no idea what is going on. First he heard a tapping at the door then no one was there and then heard a tapping at the window. Second a scary looking raven flew into the window. Thrid the raven landed on the his bust. I predict that the raven has to do something with Death
10 points possible
2nd hour:
1. 8 - spelling, don't start you sentneces with "that"
2. 7 - #5 nc; spelling, caps
3. not posted
4. 8 - spelling, periods
5. 8 - #1, don't start a sentence with "that"; spelling
6. 10 - okay
7. not posted
8. 10 - Great job!
9. 9 - #4 "thingy" is not a proper term to be using
3rd hour:
1. 8 - #5 "Poe" is the author's name, not the main character
2. 9 - spelling
3. 9 - spelling
4. 10 - okay
5. not posted
6. 10 - Excellent
7. 8 - spelling, caps
8. 8 - #1 nc; spelling
9. 6 - #1,4,5 nc; spelling; don't start a sentence with "that"
5th hour:
1. 10 - Great!
2. 7 - caps, periods, spelling
3. 8 - #4; spelling
4. 8 - #5 nc; caps
5. not posted
6. not posted
7. not posted
8. 9 - caps
9. 8 - #4 nc; caps
A bird flow in the chamber window and landed on the bust. Someone was at the door saying, "Lenore." He said back to the vioce, "Lenore." A raven came in though the window and landed on the bust above the chamber door. I think that it was a sign from his dead wife.
He meets the bird. He is still hearing tapping. The wind was moving his curtins. He asked the bird it's name and the bird said nevermore. I perdict they will become friends.
He was still frightened.He kept hearing the tappingh noise on his door.Then some black bird flew into his chamber.He figured out that something bad happened.I predict that somethingh bad did happen.
The over all idea is that the raven comes in through the window and sits on a bust. He herd aloud tapping so he went tords the window. Then there it was the raven. Basically the raven symbolizes the messenger of death. Then the bust was the bust of the greek goddess of love. I pridict that the bird will send him a message.
the bird came to his window lattice.when the bird came. he was frightend he heard the bird tapping.then the bird talked. i think the bird is trying to mess with his head.
The whole idea is the raven coming into his window. Then after that he kept on hearing the tapping at his door. Then in the middle a raven came flying into his room. Then at the end he realized that the raven mentsomething bed will happen. I predict that the raven will be a bad bird.
He was still scared about everything that has happend. He started hearing a louder tapping noise. After the bid came into his room. He knew that it was a simbole. That the bird is goinG To represent Lenore.
he is still scrared and now there is a raven in the book slash poem thing still very scared
That overall idea is that the bird comes in the house. In the beginning he was shutting the door and then a a loud tap came from the window. In the middle he opens the window and it fly's in. At the end it lands on a pallas which stands for wisdom. I predict that its happening for a reason, that his wife is trying to talk him.
That he was scared of what was happening. the he kept hearing the tapping noise. after the raven flew through the windo. then he knew the bird was a symbol that somethin was going to happen because of the dead bird
he is scared of what is happening. he heard someone tapping on his chamber door and went to get the door, when he opened the door and nothing was there. then he heard a tapping at the window, when he opened the window a raven flew in and sat on a bust
The overall idea is that the man is still scared and still wondering whats going on.In the begining he find out what been making all those sounds.A raven come through the window and it land on his bust.At the end we find out about the raven.I predict the raven will talk.
That he was still scared. There was a tapping on the door. He opened the window and landed on the Pallis. The guy new that the black bird was a symbol of death. I predict that it was the bird.
The man is still terrified the tapping is continuing.Then symbolism takes a huge role in this stanza.I predict that something bad is going to happen because of the bird.
The overall idea is that the man opened his door and heard a noise. He heard the noise of his dead wifes name Lenore! at his window he heard a noise over there to so he wenr to the window and opened it. he saw a raven! i flew into his bedroom and sat on the ledge of his bedroom door at the top. I predict that hid dead wife Lenore and the raven are both in his bedroom.
The overall idea was that he was getting very scared. He heard that tapping and it was getting louder. Finally he goes over to the shutters and opens then. The raven then flu into the window.
A bird flow in the man"s chamber window and landed on the bust. Someone was at his door saying, "Lenore." He said back to the vioce, "Lenore." Then the raven came in though the window and landed on the bust above his chamber door. I think that it was a sign from his dead wife.
In this stanza the guy closes his chamber door then there is a louder pounding. Then he thinks some this is outside his window. So he opens his window an in comes a raven and it sits on his chamber door.
He was still scared. He heard tapping on his door. The black bird came into the window. He knew the bird met something bad.i predict something bad is going to happen because of the bird.
The overall idea of this stanza is the raven flying into his chamber. The beginning idea is he heard a tapping on the window.The middle idea is the raven came in his chamber.The end idea is the bird perched on the bust of pallas.I predict that the bird will take him to the grave.
The overall idea of this stanza is the raven flying into his chamber. The beginning idea is he heard a tapping on the window.The middle idea is the raven came in his chamber.The end idea is the bird perched on the bust of pallas.I Predict that the bird will tell him how his wife is doing
In this stanza the guy closes his chamber door then there is a louder pounding. Then he thinks something is outside his window. He opened his window and in came a raven and it sits on his chamber door.
summary points: 9 possible
3. 6 spelling, #2, 3 incorrect
4. 6 #2, caps, spelling
5. 7 cpas, 1 missing sentence
6. 6 caps, periods, sentences
7. 7 missing 2 sentences
8. 6 1 missing sentence, caps, prediciton
9. 9
10. 9
11. 6 spelling, complete sentences, caps
12. 2 complete sentences, 5 sentences please
14. 7 complete sentences, spelling
15. 7 spelling, 1 sentence missing
16. 7 2 sentences missing
17. 8 spelling
18. 6 complete sentences, caps, periods
19. 8 periods
20. 11
He doest know what is going on so he is still scared.There was tapping at the chamber door.He opened the window and landed on the pallis.The guy knew the black bird was a symbol of death.I predict the guy will die.
He doest know what is going on so he is still scared.There was tapping at the chamber door.He opened the window and landed on the pallis.The guy knew the black bird was a symbol of death.I predict the guy will die.
He doest know what is going on so he is still scared.There was tapping at the chamber door.He opened the window and landed on the pallis.The guy knew the black bird was a symbol of death.I predict the guy will die.
summary points: 9 possible
3. 6 spelling, #2, 3 incorrect
4. 6 #2, caps, spelling
5. 7 cpas, 1 missing sentence
6. 6 caps, periods, sentences
7. 7 missing 2 sentences
8. 6 1 missing sentence, caps, prediciton
9. 9
10. 9
11. 6 spelling, complete sentences, caps
12. 2 complete sentences, 5 sentences please
14. 7 complete sentences, spelling
15. 7 spelling, 1 sentence missing
16. 7 2 sentences missing
17. 8 spelling
18. 6 complete sentences, caps, periods
19. 8 periods
20. 11
Sentence 1: Overall idea
Sentence 2: Beginning idea
Sentence 3: Middle idea
Sentence 4: Ending idea
Sentence 5: Prediction.
In this chapter the man heard a loud annoying tapping noise. after he heard the tapping noise a bird came threw the window when he bird came threw the window it landed on a statue which is a symbol of death. i predict that hs exwife is trying to talk to him
That he does not know what is going on and he is still scared. Then he kept hearing the tapping noise. after that the black bird came into the window. that he new the bird was a symbol of something bad. i predict that he is going to die.
That he does not know what is going on and he is still scared. Then he kept hearing the tapping noise. after that the black bird came into the window. that he new the bird was a symbol of something bad. i predict that he is going to die.
1: He is starring in the darkness, and is feeling emotions of fear.
2: He was hearing noises, like tapping, and the whispered word Lenore.
3: He keeps feeling emotions of fear and his soul is burning.
4: At the end he thought he heard something but then he thinks it only the wind and nothing more.
5. I predict something is going to fly into the window and scare him.
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