Please answer the following questions after you read Stanza 1.
Write in complete sentences and restate the questions in your answer.
1. What time is the story set?
2. What was the man doing before he fell asleep?
3. What woke the man?
4. What is a chamber?
5. Who does he believe is tapping?
Grades: 7 possible
1. 7
2. 5 restate questions, complete sentences
3. 4 spelling, complete sentences, restate
4. 7
5. 6 spelling
6. 5 periods, caps
7. 6 restate
8. 6 restate
9. 7
10. 5 periods, caps
11. 6 spelling
12. 3 complete sentences, periods, restate, switched 4 & 5
13. 5 restate, periods
14. 6 restate
15. 6 spelling
16. 6 caps
17. 6 restate
18. 7
19. 6 periods
20. 6 spelling
1. The story is set in the past.
2. The man was reading a book before he fell asleep.
3. What woke the man was a tapping on the door.
4. A chamber is a bedroom.
5. He believes that a person is tapping on his chamber door.
1. The story is set in the past.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3. What woke the man was a knock on his chamer door.
4. A chamber is a bedroom.
5. He believes it is just the wind tapping.
1. The story is set in the past.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep
3. A knocking at his chamber door is what woke the man.
4. A chamber is a bedroom.
5 The man thought it was a visiter.
1. The story is set at midnight.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3. The man woke up from the knocking.
4. A chamber is a bedroom.
5. He believes a visitor is tapping.
1. The story is set at midnight.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3. The man woke up from the knocking.
4. A chamber is a bedroom.
5. He believes a visitor is tapping.
1. The story is set in December at midnight.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3. The man was woken from the knocking on the door.
4. A chamber is a bedroom.
5. He believes a visitor is tapping.
1. The story is set in the past.
2. The man was reading before he went to sleep.
3. The man woke up becouse of the knocking.
4. A chamber is a bedroom.
5. He believes a visitor is knocking.
1. The story is set in the past at midnight.
2. The man was reading a book before he drifted off to sleep.
3. The man woke up from a strange tapping on his chamber door.
4. A chamber is a room somewhat like a bedroom.
5. He belives a visitor is rapping at his chamber door.
1. The time the story is set at is 12:00AM.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3. The man woke up to the knocking.
4. The chamber is the bedroom.
5. He believes that a visitor iss tapping.
1. The story is set in the past.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3. The man woke up when he heard tapping.
4. A champer is a bedroom.
5. He believes a visitor is tapping.
1. The story is set at midnight.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3. A nocking at the door woke the man.
4. A chamber is a badroom.
5. He believes a visitor is tapping.
1. The story was set at midnight.
2. The man was reading befor he fell asleep.
3. The man woke up from the knocking.
4. A chamber is a bedroom.
5. He believes a visitor is tapping.
1. The story is set at midnight.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3. The man woke up from the knocking.
4. A chamber is a bedroom.
5. He believes a visitor is tapping.
1. The story is set at midnight in the past.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3. The man woke up from the knocking on the door.
4. A chamber is a bedroom.
5. He believes a visitor is tapping on the door.
1. Story is set in the past at midnight.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3. The man woke up from the knocking.
4. The chamber is bedroom.
5. He believes a vistor is tapping.
1. The story was set inthe past at midnight.
2. The man was reading befor he fell asleep.
3. The man woke up fromthe knoking.
4. A chamber is a beedroom.
5. He believes a visitor is tapping
1. The story is set in the past.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3. The man woke up from the knocking.
4. A chamber is a bedroom.
5. He believes a visitor is tapping.
1. Story is set in the past at midnight.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3. The man woke up from the knocking.
4. The chamber is bedroom.
5. He believes a vistor is tapping.
1.In the Past at midnught.
2.The man was reading before he fell asleep
3.The man was awakend by a knock.
4.A chamber is a bedroom.
5. He believes a visitor is knocking at his door.
1. The story is set at midnight.
2. The man is reading before he fell asleep.
3. A knocking awoke the man.
4. A chamber is a bedroom.
5. He believes a vistor is tapping.
1. The time the story is set is 12:00am.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3.What woke the man was the knocking.
4. The chamber is a room.
5. He believes a visitor is tapping.
1.This story was set in, 1845.
2.The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3.Tapping woke the man.
4.A chamber is a bedroom.
5.He believes a visitor is tapping.
1. The story is set in the past.
2. The man was reading before he fell asleep.
3. The man was awaken by someone knocking on the door.
4.A chamber is a bedroom.
5. He believes a visitor is tapping.
Grades: 8 possible
1. 8
2. 8
3. 7 comma #1
4. 7 spelling #3
5. 8
6. 6 period, restate #1
7. 6 spelling #3, #5 incorrect
8. 7 spelling #3
9. 7 spelling #2
10. Not Done
11. 8
12. 8
13. 4 spelling #2 & 4, Space #1,period
14. 8
15. 6 period #2, spelling #5
16. 7 spelling #5, Good Answers!
17. 8
18. 8
19. 7 spelling #4
20. 8
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