Pretend you are telling your best friend what was happening in these stanzas.
What would you share with them?
What do they need to know?
Now, write that into a paragraph summary!
Make your writing look as good as your thoughts by spelling correctly, using great grammar, and checking your punctuation. I am very excited to see what you are going to come up with for these summaries.
What would you share with them?
What do they need to know?
Now, write that into a paragraph summary!
Make your writing look as good as your thoughts by spelling correctly, using great grammar, and checking your punctuation. I am very excited to see what you are going to come up with for these summaries.
The man was getting mad at the raven. The man was talking to the bird and the bird wouldn't say anything back to him, alls the bird wouls say is nevermore. The man was getting scared of it so then he was saying that everyone was left him as in that everyone that he has ment has left him all alone so he thinks that he will just get the bird to leave him too.
I would tell them that the guy is going crazy, and that there is a raven in his room. They need to know that the guy is crazy. The guy is going crazy, because he thinks that the bird is the devil. He was going crazy. He was remembering Lenore. He was saying that the bird was evil and the devil. I thought it was weird, because the guy was going crazy. I think that he is going to kill himself.
I would tell them that there is a raven that came in his window. The bird said his name is nevermore.
The man was gettin furious at the raven. He kept talking to the bird and the bird just keeps saying nevermore. The man keeps getting scared of the raven. Everybody keeps leaving the man so then the bird would finally leave him alone.
In the begining the man was getting mad at the raven. In the middle the man was trying to talk to the raven but all the raven would say is "nevermore". In the end the man was getting scared of the bird because the raven means death. I think that the man should be scared because he could die. I predict that the man will get hurt by the raven.
The raven seemed to be making the man angry and confused. He would speak to Nevermore and he wouldn't say anything back. All he would say was his name.He was getting more afraid.
The man was getting angry at the raven. The man would talk to the bird and it would talk back. He started to get scared so he stoped talking to the bird. My thoughts and fellings of the story is it was a freaky section because the bird was talking to him. I predict that the man is going to keep talking to the bird.
The guy was getting angrey at the bird thing. The guy was talking to the raven and the raven would not say anything back to the man, all the the bird would say is one word, nevermore. The guy was getting scarred of it so then he was saying that everyone has left him and in that he means everyone that he has ever ment anything to him has left him all alone so he thinks that the bird will just leave him too.
I would tell my friend the most imporanted parts in the stanzas. They would have to know what happened in all the other stanzas. These's stanas are about the man was talking to the bird. The bird was always saying nevermore. The man was getting mad at the bird because he only said nevermore. Then he was saying that the bird was going to leave him like everyone else in his life.
I would say;
The man in this story in going crazy in these stanza because the bird is in his room. The bird is evil and all he is saying is nevermore. The man is thinking of Lenore and the bird is bringing him evil. I think that the bird is a sign that Lenore is in the house, but thats just me!
The man was so mad at the raven. He told the bird to quite saying nevermore. Then the man was getting scared. Last the bird was saying that the man is going to the dievil. I thought that this was very cool i loved the last one.
The guy was getting mad at the very mystrious raven.The guy is asking all of these and the raven would totally not answer all of the questions.The guy also thinks that thwe birdis going drastically nuts and crazy.and i predict that the bird will take the man to h***.
A man was startled by a tapping on his chamber door. He opened his window and a raven flew in. The raven coppied nevermore. Finally the man drove him self insane.
The man is saying that the raven is burned into his bosoms core. He is probly holisinating about the raven.He is screaming at the raven. Finly he just loses it.
I would tell my friend that there is a bird nevermore and he is on the bust of palis. He is making the man go all crazy by saying nevermore over and over again. The man thinks that the bird would leave him like Lenore left him.
This part of the story. Is when hes going even more crazy. This bird has one word and that is nevermore. The bird is like making him think of his wife but he knows shes dead. This man didnt believe it that she went to hell. Now hes on his way to meet her.
The poem i am reading in class is call "The Raven".It is about a guy who looses his wife and is so crushed that he stay's up until midnight.He was almost asleep when he heard a knock on his door and when he opened is there was nothing there but he herd the name of his dead wife(Lenore).When he was closeing the door he heard a knock on his window. As he was opening the window a Raven walks in and perches on his bust of pallas.The man starts to go wacko and asks the bird a bunch of questions and the bird always says nevermore(no).The last question the man asked was if his wife was in heaven and the birds answer was nevermore. after that the man was messed up even more and than he went to hell with his wife.
The man was gettin furious at the raven. He kept talking to the bird and the bird just keeps saying nevermore. The man keeps getting scared of the raven. Everybody keeps leaving the man so then the bird would finally leave him alone. I think the bird will stay there and bother him.
The man was getting mad at the raven. The man was talking to the bird and the bird wouldn't say anything back to him, alls the bird wouls say is nevermore. The man was getting scared of it so then he was saying that everyone was left him as in that everyone that he has ment has left him all alone so he thinks that he will just get the bird to leave him too.
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