
Stanza 2-3 - Summary

Write a 5 point paragraph summary on Stanza 1.
Sentence 1: Overall idea
Sentence 2: Detail from the beginning
Sentence 3: Detail from the middle
Sentence 4: Detail from the end
Sentence 5: Your prediction


Anonymous said...

Someone nocked on his dorr in the middle of the night.He is reading a book. Some one knocked on his bedroom dorr in the middle of the night. He is really scared. he might die.

Anonymous said...

The man is in his house and he hears a knocking on his bedroom door. He cant get to sleep. He thinks of his wife. somebody was comming throw the chamber door. I predict that he will get scared even more.

Anonymous said...

The overall idea is that he is scared. He hears a knocking at his chamber door. He hears the continouis knocking. There is a visitor at his chamber door. I think it is someone to see him.

Anonymous said...

The overall idea was some visitor at his door. There was a tap tapping at his door. The wind was blowing on the curtains. Stood heart beating and kept reapeating. I predict some one is going to come in and its his wifes ghost.

Anonymous said...

Some one was knoking on the door. The people are still knoking at the door. He is getting scared because of the tapping. He is thinking of his wife. I predict he is going to awnser the door.

Anonymous said...

The story was about someone knocking at the door. At first he could not sleep. Then next he was thinking about his wife. Last he was getting really scared. I prdict that he will go and answer and it was just the wind.

Anonymous said...

1it is in the middle of decmember at night .2.Poe is talking about a vistor knocking at his door. 3.He's kinda of scared since it is at night. 4. Poe is rembering about his wife/ cousin and getting ready to open the door. 5.I predict that he is going to open the door.

Anonymous said...

Somebody was knocking on his door at midnight. He couldn't fall asleep. He couldn't fall asleep because of his wife who died. He was getting really scared because somebody kept knocking on his cahmber door. I predict that he is just going to finally talk himself out of being scared.

Anonymous said...

That he is still scared. That he keeps thinking about his wife. The window flew open by the wind. That he thought that his wife was a angle. I predict that something bad is going to happen.

Anonymous said...

The man hears a knock on his bedroom door.He cant get to sleep because of the knocking at his chamber door.He is thinking of his dead wife.He thinks that the knocking at the chamber door is his dead wife.I think that he will go and open the door.

Anonymous said...

Someone was at his chamber door. He was thinking about his dead wife. Someone was at his chamber door. The wind was blowing the curtain and someone was caming into his room. I think that the peerson at the door is his dead wife's soul.

Anonymous said...

Someone is knocking at his chamber door. He is frightened. He is weak and weary. Just about asleep he was awoken by a rapping a tapping on his chamber door. He toled himself it was nothing more. I think it is one of his dead wifes.

Anonymous said...

The overall idea is that he is think about his dead wife. That it was a bleak December. That he is thinking about Lenore. Then there was a beeting on his chamber door. I Predict that it will be some ghost.

Anonymous said...

Someone or something is knocking at his chamber door. He cant sleep 'cause he is thinking about his dead wife. He is getting really scared. He thought it was just a visitor aat his chamber door.

Anonymous said...

Someone or something is knocking at his chamber door. He cant sleep 'cause he is thinking about his dead wife. He is getting really scared. He thought it was just a visitor aat his chamber door. I predict that it is just a ghost and it might be his wife.

Anonymous said...

Some visitor is at his door. It was bleak December. He was thinking of his deae wife. The curtain was making a sound and startled him. Someone was going into his room. I that it is a wife coming to haunt him.

Anonymous said...

The story starts out at the middle of the night. He is reading his book about to fall asleep. Then he hears this knock at his bedroom door and he thinks its just someone. He is really scared cause its at his bedroom door and thats not normal.

Anonymous said...

he is scared and he is. he is sad because his maiden died. he was getting scared because their somebody is at his chamber door. he is slao falling asleep.i predict that it's his wife at hte door.

Anonymous said...

It was a black December night he was scared. There again is a knocking at the chamber door again.The windows open and the curtains move.The visitor enters the bedroom.I predict that it is the ghost of his wife.

Anonymous said...

It was a black December night he was scared. There again is a knocking at the chamber door again.The windows open and the curtains move.The visitor enters the bedroom.I predict that it is the ghost of his wife.

Anonymous said...

Someone is knocking on the chamber door in hte middle of hte night. The man is trying to read and think of his wife, when the sound of knocking comes. The man is very scared. I predict taht he is going to see his wifee in spirtrial form.

Anonymous said...

The guy hears a knocking on his door.He is scared and cant sleep.He keeps thinking of his wife.He goes and sees what it is.I predict that he is going to freek out.

Anonymous said...

He was in his room reading then he heard sombody knocking on his bedroom door. He is almost asleep then sombody knocks on his door. He tells himself its just a probally a vistor so he gets up and answers the door and nobody was there. I predict that he will go to bed or start reading again.

Anonymous said...

The overall idea is someone nocked on his door. In the beginning In the middle of the night someone was nocking on his door. In the middle he was very nerfuis and was scared. At the end he thought that someone was going to come in. I predict that nothing is going to really happen he is just dreaming.

Anonymous said...

Someone nocked on his chamber door in the middle of the night. While he is reading a book. He cant get to sleep because he thinks of his daparted wife. He's scared that no ones at the door. Theres ging to be another clue.

Anonymous said...

Someone or something is knocking at his chamber door. He cant sleep 'cause he is thinking about his dead wife. He is getting really scared. He thought it was just a visitor aat his chamber door. I predict that it is just a ghost and it might be his wife.

Anonymous said...

the mans wife is dead he cant sleep and some ones rapping and tapping at his door. it might be a ghost or something like that.

Anonymous said...

He thinks somebody is at his door. Hes in his bedroom. Lenore is dead. Trying to convince himself its a visitor at his door. I think its a Raven walking around.

Anonymous said...

he is siting at his house reading and he hears a tapping at his door. he can not go to sleep and he is dozing into space. he thinks someone is coming threw his chamber door.i predict that he will get worried and someone wants to kill him.

Anonymous said...

The idea of stanza 2-3 is that he scared and he trying to pretend that something else at the door. At the begining of stanza 2 it says that it is december so it's probadly cold and in stanza 3 the curtain rustling means it moving and it looks kinda of scary. In the middle he scared and hes keeps repeating at my chamber door so he be less sacred. At the end he wishes it is morning already. I predict that it's cold and a breeze is moving the curtain.

Anonymous said...

The overall of the story is that he is getting very scard but yet still sad that Lenore died. Lenore died. The certains start to move. Someone is about to enter his chamber door. I think that he is just dreaming.

Anonymous said...

Someone is knocking at his door he is convincing himself that it is a visitor.He is mourning the death of his wife.Now he is feeling terror unlike anything he has ever felt.He will probably see his wife.

Anonymous said...

The man is in his house and he hears a knocking on his bedroom door. He cant get to sleep. He thinks of his wife. somebody was throw the chamber door. I predict that he will get scared even more.

Anonymous said...

At midnight he was reading a book when all of a sudden he heard a tapping noise at his door. He thinkns its his wife & he would like to see her if it is her?

Anonymous said...

The guy thinks Lenore is going to be coming back as a ghost. He is reading a book in his chamber. Someone nocks and he gets scared. He keeps telling his self its nothing. He thinks theres there a visitor at the door. I think its Lenore as a ghost.

Anonymous said...

Some one was knocking on his door at night. whoe he wasa reading hi book. he get's really scared. he thinks he might died

Anonymous said...

Someone was at his chamber door. When he was thinking about his dead wife. The wind was blowing the curtain and someone was csme into his room. I think that the peerson at the door is his dead wife's sprit.

Anonymous said...

Someone was at his chamber door. When he was thinking about his dead wife. The wind was blowing the curtain and someone was csme into his room. I think that the peerson at the door is his dead wife's sprit.

Anonymous said...

It is midnight an this guy is trying to read his book an he is falling a sleep slowly. Then there came a knocking at his chamber door. An he is frighten in his bed.

Anonymous said...

It is midnight an this guy is trying to read his book an he is falling a sleep slowly. Then there came a knocking at his chamber door. An he is frighten in his bed.

Anonymous said...

Someone knocked on his door and he's reading a book. He opens the door and nobodies there. He gets sccared

not done

Anonymous said...

the overall idea is this guy sitting in bed reading and someone knocks on the door. This guy is reading in bed and he started dosing off,he was awoken by a rapping at the door. He is scared silly. I predict he is going to have a heart attack

Anonymous said...

The overall idea is that it was creep and in the middle of winter.
The first detail is that is was in December.The middle detail is that hes sad he lost Lenore.the last detail is that someone was knocking on his chamber door. I predict that the person knocking on the door is the raven.

Anonymous said...

The overall main idea is that he is freaked out of his mind about the tapping at his chamber door. He was thinking sadly about his wife that passed away. Then the purple curtains started moving. Then last he asked if someones was there but there was no answer. i predict that it is some sort of animal.

Anonymous said...

This paragraph is about a man watching a fire burn in his hearth.He then hears a tapping at his bedroom door and wonders who is there.Then he starts seeing his curtains moving.I think it is a raven at the door.

Anonymous said...

Someone knocked on his door and he's reading a book. He opens the door and nobodies there. He gets sccared
not done

Anonymous said...

Grades: 9 possible points

1. 8 spelling
2. 8 caps
3. 8 spelling
4. 4 need more, follow directions
5. not done
6. 8 caps
7. not done
8. 6 spelling, 2 missing sentences
9. 8 spelling
10. 7 paragraph form, caps
11. 6 caps, periods, missing sentences
12. 4 caps, complete sentences, periods, missing sentences
13. 3 follow directions
14. 7 caps, need more detail
15. 6 complete sentences, need more detail, spelling
16. 9 good job
17. 8 spelling, need more detail
18. not posted
19. 8 missing sentence
20. 9 Great!

Anonymous said...

Someone is knocking at his chamber door at midnight. he is also pondering on what he is reading. he is frightened by the knocking

Anonymous said...

Someone knocked on his door and he's reading a book. He opens the door and nobodies there. He gets scared. He might die.

Anonymous said...

Someone had knocked tapped on is door. When he was about to go to bed, he was reading a book. At the end he was so still he cold hear his heart beat. I think he maybe is just hallucinating.

(__-Enjoi-__) said...

Someone knocked on his door in the middle of the night while he was reading a book. Then someone knocked on his door again and he met the raven and he was scared he was gonna died.

boom boom party starta the third said...

The man is in his is chamber door. He's reading his book because he can't get to sleep. Something knocked on his door at about midnight. The man must be really scared. I predict that the man might end up dying or getting really scared.