
Stanza 2-3 - Questions

Please answer the following questions after you read Stanza 2-3.
Write in complete sentences and restate the questions in your answer.
1. What is the setting of the story?
2. Why can't the man sleep?
3. Who is Lenore?
4. What does he think about Lenore?
5. What does "filled me with fantastic terror" mean?


Anonymous said...

1. Someone knocking on his door.
2. Becuase his wife died
3. The mans wife.
4. That she is an angel.
5. He is reallty scared.

Anonymous said...

1. The setting of the story is at midnight in December.
2. The man cant sleep because he is thinking of his wife.
3. Lenore is his wife.
4. He tninks of Lenore as an angel
5. It means that he is getting scared.

Anonymous said...

1.The setting is it is december cold midnight.
2.The curtains are blowing its cold.
3.Lenore is his wife.\
4.He love lenore.
5.He was scared.

Anonymous said...

1.The setting is in his chamber.
2.Because he hears knocking.
3.His dead wife.
4.He thinks that she is an angel.
5.He was very scared and afraid.

Anonymous said...

1.The settin is someone knocking on his door.
2. he cant sleep becuase his wife died
3. Lenore is the mans wife.
4. He thinks that she is an angel.
5.It means He is reallty scared.

Anonymous said...

The setting is what? 1.It is in dember at night in 1845. The man can't sleep why? 2.Lenore died maybe a days ago. lenore is who? 3. She is his wife and cousin who was 13 when she got married to poe. He thinks lenore as what? 4.She like rare and radint flower to poe, and maybe every man thinks she beautiful. Filled with fantastic terror mean what? 5.It means he is scared to death.

Anonymous said...

1The setting of the story is in his chamber
2The man cant sleep because he is Thinking about his wife.
3Lenor is his wife.
4 He thought she was the best in the world.
5It means that he is scared.

Anonymous said...

1:) The setting of the story is in december around midnight.
2:) The man can not sleep because he is thinking of his wife Lenore.
3:) Lenore is his wife.
4:) He really misses his wife Lenore.
5:) I think that it means that he is getting scared.

Anonymous said...

1. The setting is on a bleak december day.
2. The man can't sleep because he is thingking of his wife.
3. Lenore is his dead wife.
4. She was radiant and beautiful.
5. Like when your on a rollercoaster and past regular terror.

Anonymous said...

1. In his room. not done

Anonymous said...

1.The setting of the story is midnight in his room
2.The man cant sleep because of his wifes death.
3.Lenore is his wife
4.Lenore is beautiful
5. filled me with fantastic terror means that he is scared stright

Anonymous said...

The setting of the story is in a house.
The man can`t sleep because his wife died.
Lenore was his wife.
I learned that Lenore was one of a kind.
The mean to try not be be scared but you really are.

Anonymous said...

1. The setting is in a cold december night.
2.The man can't sleep because his wife died.
3. Lenore is his wife.
4.He thinks of lenore as a radiant rare girl.
5.that he is scared and pants peein.

Anonymous said...

1.The setting is at midnight.
2.The man cant sleep because hes thinking about his wife.
3.Lenore is his dead wife.
4.He thinks she is radiant.

not done*!

Anonymous said...

1.The setting of the story is in his chamber
2.The man cant sleep because he is Thinking about his wife.
3.Lenor is his wife.
4.He thought she was the best in the world.
5.It means that he is scared

Anonymous said...

1) At his house.
2) Becasue he was thinking about his wife. Which she is dead.
3) His wife that died.
4)That she is one of a kind.
5)It scared him again.

Anonymous said...

1.Somebody knocking on his chamber door.
2.His wife died and he thought she was beautiful.
3.Lenore is his wife.
4.He thinks Lenore is beautiful.
5.It means that he is kind of getting scared.

Anonymous said...

1. The setting is at his house.
2. He can't sleep because he keeps thinking about his wife.
3. Lenore is his wife.
4. He think that she is a angle in heaven.
5. It means that he is scared.

Anonymous said...

1. The setting of the sory is he is in his room reading a book.
2.He man couldn't sleep because there is tapping at his door and he is thinking about his wife that died.
3. Lenore is his wife.
4. He thinks that she is very pretty and is like an angel.
5. It means it terrior

Anonymous said...

1. The setting of the story is at midnight in bleak December.
2. The man can't sleep because he is thinking of his departed wife.
3. who is Lenore, Lenore is his wife.
4. He thinks of Lenore as an rare radiant angel.
5. filled with fantastic sorrow means that he is scared.

Anonymous said...

1.The setting is at midnight.
2.The man cant sleep because hes thinking about his wife.
3.Lenore is his dead wife.
4.He thinks she is radiant.
5."Filled me with fantastic terror means, He is scared.

Anonymous said...

1. The settting of the story was in the winter at midnight.

2. The man can't sleep because he was thinking about his dead wife.

3. Lenore was the mans dead wife.

4. He thinks that she is beautiful.

5. I think that it means that his scared.

Anonymous said...

1.The setting is December.

2.HE cant sleep 'cause he is thinking about his dead wife.

3.Lenore is his dead wife.

4.She is the most beautiful person ever.

5.Fantastic terror means that he was filled with terror or he was scared.

Anonymous said...

1. The setting is his bed room.
2. The man cant sleep because he scard.
3. Lenore is his dead wife.
4. He think that the angles named her.
5. It means that he is really scard.

Anonymous said...

1. The setting was at Midnight December.

2.The man can't sleep because his wife died.

3. Lenore was his wife.

4. He thinks that she was rare radiant.

5. Fill me with fantastic terrors mean he was very scard.

Anonymous said...

1.The setting of the sorty is at midnight and in his chamber.

2.The man can't sleep because his wife had died.

3.Lenore is the mans wife.

4.He is thinking that his wife is an angel.

5.That the man is so terrified.

Anonymous said...

1.The setting of the story is in midnight.
2.The man cant sleep because something is knocking at his door.
3.Lenore was his old wife.
4.He thought she was the greatest in the world.
5.It means the he is filled with horror.

Anonymous said...

The setting is in the middle of December.
The man can't sleep because he there is a nockin on the floor and at his door, and he keepas think of something.
Lenore is an old friend that died.
HE think Lenore was cool.
I means that he is really scared.

Anonymous said...

1. In his room.
2. His wife just died and he misses her.
3. Lenore is the guy who is in his room reading nearly napping.
4. Different.
5. Somebody scared you really good.

Anonymous said...

1. The settting of the story was in the winter at midnight.

2. The man can't sleep because he was thinking about his dead wife.

3. Lenore was the mans dead wife.

4. He thinks that she is beautiful.

5. I think that it means that his scared.

Anonymous said...

1.the setting of the story is at midnight in december.

2.the man couldnt sleep because someone is knocking on his door and he is thinking of his wife.

3. lenore is his wife who died.

4.he thinks hes her angel.

5.that hes feeling terror he has never felt before he is terrified.

Anonymous said...

1. The setting is in his chambers at midnight.
2. He cant sleep because of a knocking at his chamber door.
3. Lenore is the girl he loves.
4. He thinks that the Lenore is lost.
5. Filled me with fantastic terror means that he was scared but he liked it, cause he had never felt anything like it

Anonymous said...

1. The setting of the story is when he's in his chamber.
2. He can't sleep because he hears tapping at his door.
3. Lenore is his wife.
4. That she is an angel.
5. He got sared really easily.

Anonymous said...

ths story is dark and glomy

some one is tpping at his door

lenore is his dead wife

he loved lenore

he got scared

Anonymous said...

1. The setting of tthe story is it is cold and it is in december.
2. The man can't sleep because he is scared of the taping at the door.
3. Lenore is his wife or girlfriend.
4. The man thinks Lenore is beautifull.
5. Filled me with fantastic terror means that he is scared and hes trying to make it seem like there is nothing at the door.

Anonymous said...

1. the setting of the story is midnight
2. the man can not sleep becouse he hears tapping at his door
3.lenore is his wife that died
4. she thinks that she is an angle
5.he is sad and scared about things that are going on

Anonymous said...

1. The setting of the story is in December.
2. The man can't fall asleep because he thinks that there is someone in the room.
3. Lenore is his cousin.
4. He thinks that lenore is very beatutiful and that he loved her.
5. Filled me with fantastic terro means that the room hi making him very nervous.

Anonymous said...

1.The seting is him in his room.
2.He cant sleep because he keeps hearing things.
3.Lenore is his woman who is now dead.
4.That the angels brought her up there.
5.Theres something in him that makes him feel wierd.

Anonymous said...

1)in this mans chamber at midnight.
2)he is feeling misery and someone is tapping on his door.
3)Lenore is his wife or girlfriend.
4)he believes Lenore is an angel.
5)the man is very scared.

Anonymous said...

1.The setting of the story is in December & midnight.
2.The man can't sleep because he heard a tapping noise on his door.
3.Lenore is his wife that died.
4.He thinks that she is a angel.
5.He feels kinda scared and weird at the same time.

Anonymous said...

1.Someone is tapping on the door
2.The man cant sleep because his wife died
3.Lenore is his wife that had passed away.
4.He thinks she is an angel
5.It means he is startled by what is happening

Anonymous said...

The setting of the poem is at midnight in December. The man is hearing tapping at his chamber door which makes it hard for him to sleep. Lenore is his wife (cousin)that passed away. He loves Lenore, and wants her to come back to life. Filled with fantastic terror means that he is really scared.

Anonymous said...

1)The setting of the poem is at midnight in December.2)The man is hearing tapping at his chamber door which makes it hard for him to sleep.3)Lenore is his wife (cousin)that passed away.4)He loves Lenore, and wants her to come back to life.5)Filled with fantastic terror means that he is really scared.

Anonymous said...

1. the setting is in his chamber

2. he wasent able to go to sleep because he was to busy thinking about his wife who had died

3.Lenore was his wife

4.He thinks she's an angle

5.HE is scared

Anonymous said...

1.The story takes place in his chamber at midnight.

2.The man can't sleep because there is a tapping noies at his door.

3.Lenore is the mans wife.

4.He thinks of Lenore as an angel.

5.I think it means that he is realy scared but happy in a nover way.

Anonymous said...

1.The setting is Midnight in his chamber awaking to a tapping at the chamber door.

2.He can't sleep Because there is a tapping at his chamber door.

3.Lenore is his old wife that died.

4.He really misses his wife Lenore.

5.It means to make someone really scared or frighted.

Anonymous said...

1)the setting is in his chamber door
2)he can't sleep because someone was rapping at his door
3)Lenore is the mans dead wife
4)he thinks she is an angel
5)it means
not done

Anonymous said...

1)the setting is in his chamber door
2)he can't sleep because someone was rapping at his door
3)Lenore is the mans dead wife
4)he thinks she is an angel
5)it means that he was scared silly

Anonymous said...

1)The setting is in his chamber(room)
2)The man cant sleep because someone was knocking at his chamber door
3)Lenore is his dead wife.
4)He thinks Lenore was a name given by the angles
5)"Filled me with fantastic terror" means he was brutally scared.

Anonymous said...

1)The setting is in his chamber(room)
2)The man cant sleep because someone was knocking at his chamber door
3)Lenore is his dead wife.
4)He thinks Lenore was a name given by the angles
5)"Filled me with fantastic terror" means he was brutally scared.

Anonymous said... is a cold December night around midnight.
2.someone is knocking at his bedroom door
3.the man's dead wife
4.he loves her
5.It means that he is very scared

Anonymous said...

1. The setting is midnight.
2. The man cant sleep because there is a tapping at his chamber door.
3. Lenore was his wife that died a while back.
4. He loves Lenore.
5. That he was frightened out of his mind.

bear said...

1. The setting is at midnight.
2. The man can't sleep because of the tapping at his door.
3. Lenore is his wife that died.
4. He loves Lenore.
5. It means that he is starting to get scared.

Shadow Slayer Renza said...

1. The setting of the story is in his bedroom chamber.
2. The man can't sleep because he was reading and he heard a tapping on his door.
3. Lenore is his dead wife.
4. He thinks that Lenore is an angles name and the angles named her.
5. It means that he was filled with terror but not the fear-full terror it's more of an exciting terror.

gigareanlorearorl said...


peyton manning said...

1.The setting is in the guys bedroom.
2.He can't sleep because his wife died.
3.His wife.
4.He thinks she's an angle.
5.He is freaked out.

hollywood undead 27 said...

1.The setting of the story is at midnight.
2.The man can't sleep because he was thinking of his wife.
3.Lenore is the mans wife.
4.He thinks about Lenore is she was beautiful.
5."Filled me with fantstic terror" means he is scared.

L3gIt Precise said...

1.In this guys room.
2.Some body was a taping on his door.
3.His wife.
4.He loved her.
5.He was vary scared.

Ricky Carmichael said...

1. The setting of the story is his bedroom.
2. The man can't sleep because he was sad.
3. Lenore is the man's wife.
4. He misses Lenore.
5. Fantastic terror means he is very scared.

Wayne Carter_3:) said...

1. The setting of the story is the chamber door.
2. The man cant sleep because someone is knocking at the chamber door.
3. Lenore is the mans dead wife.
4. The man thinks lenore is an angel.
5. this means the worst fear you could fear.

Wayne Carter_3:) said...

1. The setting of the story is the chamber door.
2. The man cant sleep because someone is knocking at the chamber door.
3. Lenore is the mans dead wife.
4. The man thinks lenore is an angel.
5. this means the worst fear you could fear.

XRoxasXKHII said...

1. The setting of the story is December in the mans bedroom.
2. The man can't sleep because he is sad and hears "someone" knocking at his door.
3.Lenore is the mans wife.
4. The man thinks Lenore is a lost angel, and nameless.
5. He was filled with great fears.

j said...

1. The setting of the story is in December at midnight in his bedroom.
2. The man can not sleep because he heard a tapping at his chamber door.
3. Lenore is the man wife.
4. He misses Lenore.
5. "Filled me with fantastic terror" means the terror was a great deal and he was scared.

lilwizzle:) said...

1. The setting of the story is back in the past.
2. The man cant sleep because he has a lot on his mind.
3. Lenore is the mans old wife that died.
4. He feels sorrow for Lenore because shes dead.
5. "Filled with fantastic terror" means filled with a great amount or lots of terror, or being scared.

Jarhead said...

1. The setting is in December at midnight in his bedroom.
2. The man can not sleep because he heard a tapping at his chamber door.
3. Lenore is the mans wife.
4. He misses her.
5. "Filled me with fantastic terror" means he was scared with a great deal of terror.

L3gIt Precise said...

1.The setting is in this guys room.
2.The man can't sleep because his wife died.
3.Lenore is his wife.
4.He thinks of her as a angle.
5.It means he was scared.

tyler marsh said...

1.The setting is in the guys bedroom.
2.He can't sleep because his wife died.
3.Lenore is his dead wife.
4.He thinks she's an angle.
5.It means he is scared and he doesn't know whats gonna happen.

littlegirlwatchesscarymovie said...

1. The setting of the storyis at night in hs bedroom.
2. The man cant sleep because he his sortof spooked out about his house
3. Lenore is the mans wife.
4. The man feels sorrow for his dead wife.
5. Filled me with fantastic terror, means he got really spooked out.

littlegirlwatchesscarymovie said...

1. The setting of the storyis at night in hs bedroom.
2. The man cant sleep because he his sortof spooked out about his house
3. Lenore is the mans wife.
4. The man feels sorrow for his dead wife.
5. Filled me with fantastic terror, means he got really spooked out.

(__-Enjoi-__) said...

1. The setting is in Edger's room at midnight in December.
2. He cannot sleep because he keeps thinking about his dead wife.
3. Lenore is his wife.
4. He thinks of Lenore as an angel.
5 It means he is getting scared.

kalas472 said...

1. the setting of the story takes place in the past in poes chamber.
2. the man can't sleep because he can't stop reading the book.
3. lenore is his wife-cousine.
4. he thinks lenore was a greet wife and he was deepresed that she died wich made hime write this poem.
5. it meansfilled me with many terrors.

poohbear 95 said...

1. The setting of the story is at midnight in December.
2. The man can't sleep because he is thinking of his wife.
3. Lenore is his wife.
4. He thinks of Lenore as an angel.
5. It means that he is getting scared.

England,UK said...

1.The setting is someones knocking at his chamber door.
2.The man cant sleep because he has been filled with silken, sad, and uncertain rustling.
3.Lenore is the mans wife, she had died.
4.He thinks Lenore is a rare and radiant maiden.
(not done)

S.O.A.P said...

1.The setting of the story is a mans bedroom.
2.The man cannot sleep because there is tapping on his door.
3.Lenore is a dead woman.
4.He thinks Lenore is the name of an angel
5."filled me with fantastic terror" means extremely frightened.

LowRida said...

1. The setting in the story is in a chamber at midnight.
2. The man can not sleep because he hears a tapping noise
3. Lenore is the mans dead wife
4. The man thinks Lenore is a beautiful radiant woman.
5. "Filled me with fantastic terrors" means the man was filled with fears.

England, UK said...

1.The setting is someone knocking at his chamber door.
2.The man cant sleep because he has been filled with silken, sad, and uncertain rustling.
3.Lenore is the mans wife, she had died.
4.He thinks Lenore is a rare and radiant maiden whos now a maiden.
5.Filled me with fantastic terror means hes frieghtened.

boom boom party starta the third said...

1. The setting of the story is someone knocking on his door.
2. The man can't sleep because his wife is dead.
3. Lenore is the man's wife.
4. The man thinks that Lenore is an angel.
5. Filled me with fantastic terror means really scared.

Dr. Buechler said...

8 points possible

1. 7 #1 incorrect
2. 7 #1 incorrect
3. 7 #5 caps
4. 6 #4 spelling; #5 incorrect
5. 7 #1 incorrect
6. 5 #1,2 incorrect; #5 spelling
7. 7 #4 restate
8. 7 #2,3 periods
9. 7 #4 restate
10. not posted
11. 8
12. 6 #4 & #5 restate
13. 5 #1 & #2 missing space; period
14. 6 #1 & #2 incorrect
15. 7 #5 restate
16. 8
17. 5 #3, 4, 5 restate
18. not posted
19. 4 #1 & 4 incorrect; spelling; capital letters
20. 6 #1 incorrect; #5 restate

lether face 69 said...

1. The setting of the story is in a chamber room.

2. The old man can not sleep becuse he heard a tapping at his door.

3. Lenore is the old mans wife.

4. The old man thinks that Lenore was his one and only.

5. "Filled me with fantastic terror" means that he likes the thrill he is getting from being scared.

Anonymous said...

8 points possible

1. 7 #1 incorrect
2. 7 #1 incorrect
3. 7 #5 caps
4. 6 #4 spelling; #5 incorrect
5. 7 #1 incorrect
6. 5 #1,2 incorrect; #5 spelling
7. 7 #4 restate
8. 7 #2,3 periods
9. 7 #4 restate
10. not posted
11. 8
12. 6 #4 & #5 restate
13. 5 #1 & #2 missing space; period
14. 6 #1 & #2 incorrect
15. 7 #5 restate
16. 8
17. 5 #3, 4, 5 restate
18. 7 #2 incorrect
19. 4 #1 & 4 incorrect; spelling; capital letters
20. 6 #1 incorrect; #5 restate