Activating Your Prior Knowledge
As a reader you need to think about what you know on that subject before you read.
Before you read, make 3 lists (6 items in each list):
1. Things you know about Edgar Allen Poe
2. Things you know about Ravens
3. Things you know about Heartbreak
Edger Ellen Poe raven heart break
Edgar Allan Poe
(January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849 largest species
was an American poet,
short story writer
Born in Boston
Poe published The Raven
has been attributed to alcohol,
drugs, rabies, suicide
he moved to New York City
Edgar Allen Poe
(January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849)
American poet
short story writer
literary critic,
Born in Boston
Raven, a large black bird in the crow family
(22 to 27 inches) in length
Record weight 1.5 to 3.6 pounds
Common Ravens typically live about 10 to 15 years in the wild
Young birds may travel in flocks, but later mate for life,
The Common Raven has coexisted with humans for thousands of years, and in some areas has been so successful that it is considered a pest
Common Ravens are extremely versatile and opportunistic in finding sources of nutrition
Edgar Allen Poe
He is a poet.
There is a museum about him.
He has written many books.
He was born January 19, 1809.
He died on October 7, 1849.
His poems were mostly about love.
They have a dark purple color to them. They are the most intelligent bird.
They are part of the crow family. They learn to find their food.
They are the sign of death.
When they are around tjhere's trouble.
Heart Break
Edgar Allen Poe
1.American Poet
2.Born January 19, 1809
3.Poe published "The Raven"
4.Wife Virginia died
5.Died October 7, 1849
6. Alcoholic
1.22 inches
2.Dark puple
3.Mate for life
4.Sometimes attack humans
5.Immiteite sounds
6.Symble of death
Edgar Allen Poe
1. He married his 13 year old cousin.
Her name was Virginia Clemm.
2. He wrote a lot of stories.
3. He spent most of his life living in Baltimore.
4. He has served in the military
5. He was 40 years old when he died.
6. He had a problem of his drinking.
Spent most his time in Baltimore.
Married his cousin. Lived with cousin.
He was in military lost mother and father.
1. Mysterious.
2. Creepy.
3. Most commonly known around North America.
4. Mimics sounds.
5. Shy around people.
6. They mate for life.
Edgar Allen Poe
1. He was born January 19, 1809 in Boston
2. His mother died when he was young so John Allen took him in.
3. He attended schools in England and Richmond.
4. He registered at the University of Virginia on February 14, 1826.
5. In Boston he enlisted in the United States Army as a private by the name of Edgar A. Perry.
6. He had an appointment to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
1. Mysterious Birds
2. Symbols Darkness and dealth
3. NA Bird
4. Shy around people
Edger Allen Poe
Born in Boston, January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849
Born in Boston
Edgar attended the Grammar School in Irvine, Scotland
Was in the Military
Had no kids
Mom and dad died
Edgar Allen Poe
Born in Boston
His wife died of tuberculosis.
Known for telling Mystery.
He went to University of Virginia for a short period of time.
Was married to his cousin.
Death is still a mystery.
There pro footballs team.
In most of Europe.
Ravens are the largest species.
When they eat something there jaws rip open.
Wolves to lead them to prey.
Loves to eat mice and snakes.
EdgarHe was born January 19, 1809
Boston, Massachusetts U.S.
October 07, 1849 (aged 40)
Baltimore, Maryland U.S.
he secretly married Virginia, his cousin and she’s 13 and he’s 21
The precise cause of Poe's death remains a mystery.
Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe
Horror fiction, Crime fiction, Detective fiction
Allen Poe Ravens
Ravens are the largest songbirds in North America.
Ravens are known as the "keeper of secrets" in several native tribes
These birds build their nest in large trees or the sides of cliffs where they usually lay 4-5 eggs
They do a good job cleaning up nature by eating dead animals.
Their bodies are covered in rich black plumage, which shines with an iridescent bluish color
been known to mimic some human words.
Largest song bird
Found in NA and Europe
Eat dead things
Mimic human sounds
Expandable jaw
Native American symbol of death.
Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allan
Poe was born January 19, 1809 in Boston
Poe's mother, Elizabeth Arnold Poe, died in Richmond on December 8, 1811.
Poet, short story writer, editor, literary critic
Death stills remains a mystery
In military
Edgar Allen Poe
Born January 19,1809
Died age 40
Death remains mystery
He is a story and poet teller
Died in Baltimore
Born in Boston Massachusetts
Are acrobatic flier
Most in Europe
Mimic human sounds
When they eat jaw rips
Symbol for tribes
Wolves lead them to pray
Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allan
Poe was born January 19, 1809 in Boston
Poe's mother, Elizabeth Arnold Poe, died in Richmond on December 8, 1811.
Poet, short story writer, editor, literary critic
Death stills remains a mystery
In military
Edgar Allen Poe Ravens
Died October 7, 1849
Death was a mystery. A bird
He married his 13 year old cousin. They are black
Born In Boston Massachusetts They are mean
The Poe Museum provides a retreat into early 19th century Richmond where Edgar Allan Poe lived and worked. The museum features Poe's life and career by documenting his accomplishments with pictures, relics, and verse, and focusing on his many years in Richmond. They have a big beak
After attending schools in England and Richmond, young Poe registered at the University of Virginia on February 14, 1826, the second session of the University. They are similar to crows but a little bigger
He became an active member of the Jefferson Literary Society, and passed his courses with good grades at the end of the session in December. They eat like just about anything that is dead.
Edgar Allen Poe
Died October 7, 1849
Death was a mystery.
He married his 13 year old cousin.
Born In Boston Massachusetts
The Poe Museum provides a retreat into early 19th century Richmond where Edgar Allan Poe lived and worked. The museum features Poe's life and career by documenting his accomplishments with pictures, relics, and verse, and focusing on his many years in Richmond.
After attending schools in England and Richmond, young Poe registered at the University of Virginia on February 14, 1826, the second session of the University.
He became an active member of the Jefferson Literary Society, and passed his courses with good grades at the end of the session in December.
A bird
They are black
They are mean
They have a big beak
They are similar to crows but a little bigger
They eat like just about anything that is dead.
Edgar Allan Poe was born January 19, 1809 in Boston.
In Boston on May 26, 1827, Poe enlisted in The United States Army as a private using the name Edgar A. Perry.
During this time, Poe married his young cousin, Virginia Clemm in Richmond on May 16, 1836.
The circumstances of Poe's death remain a mystery. After a visit to Norfolk and Richmond for lectures, he was found in Baltimore in a pitiable condition and taken unconscious to a hospital where he died on Sunday, October 7, 1849. He was buried in the yard of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland
In personal appearance, Poe was a quiet, shy-looking but handsome man; he was slightly built, and was five feet, eight inches in height. His mouth was considered beautiful. His eyes, with long dark lashes, were hazel-gray.
The year 1846 was a tragic one. Poe rented the little cottage at Fordham, where he lived the last three years of his life
The common raven (Corvus corax) is a member of a family of birds known as the Corvidae, which includes jays, crows, and magpies.
Up to 24" from beak to end of tail.
The raven is the largest species of songbird and largest all-black bird in the world.
Ravens have large, stout bills, shaggy throat feathers, and wedge-shaped tails, visible best when in flight (as compared to the square tail feathers of a crow).
Ravens are excellent fliers, engaging in aerial acrobatics and sometimes soaring to great heights.
Life history: Ravens probably first breed at 3 or 4 years of age and mate for life. Ravens are probably very long-lived in the wild; one captive bird died of old age at 29 years
Edgar Allen Poe
Age 27, Poe married his cousin Virginia Clemm
She died 11 years later
heavy drinker
Plagued by depression and loneliness it is strongly believed that this is when his drinking problem began
it is strongly believed that this is when his drinking problem began
He was taken to Washington College Hospital on N. Broadway and died a few days later around 5 a.m. on October 7.
With this year's dates falling on the same exact days of the week as they did in 1849 (the year Poe died), let us not forget about Edgar Allan Poe, but instead remember him as a true artist who will be forgotten "Nevermore!"
1.Edger Allen Poe
January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849
was an American poet, short story writer, editor, literary critic, and one of the leaders of the American Romantic Movement
sole owner of Broadway Journal
It was at this time in his life that Poe fell in love with his 13-year-old cousin Virginia. Their marriage forced him to find a source of income.
In 1841, Edgar Allan Poe began working for a man named George Graham, who offered him $800 a year to work for him as an editor.
Drinking problem and he was depressed.
Found in North America.
Large Crow
Imitate sound
24 inches long.
Long lived
Eat anything Dead
Black and purple
Large bill and tail
Harsh call
Symbol of death
Edger Allen Poe
Lived 158 years ago
Had about 300 fans
He wrote “the Raven”
Wrote “the Tell Tale Heart”
Was 27 years old when he married his 13 year old cousin then died 11 years later.
He died in 1849
Found in Utah
Can be as big as a hawk (25 inches)
They will take carrion, as well as eggs, chicks, grain, mice, frogs, fruit and much more.
They will take carrion, as well as eggs, chicks, grain, mice, frogs, fruit and much more.
Up to 24" from beak to end of tail.
They have long lives.
Edgar Allen Poe
Born January 19, 1809, Died October 7, 1849
attended school in Chelsea
he died from alcoholism
His own life was marred by tragedy at an early age
He was educated in Virginia and England as a child
between 80 and 90 reviews, six poems, four essays and three stories
The largest member of the Crow Family
ravens average 24 inches tall, with a wingspan of 46-56 inches
coloration is all-black with a metallic shine of purple or violet that is noticeable in certain lighting conditions
In flight, the tail appears wedge-shaped, which distinguishes it from crows
Ravens eat rodents, insects, grain, fruit, bird eggs and refuse
They consume much carrion, especially in winter and will even prey upon sick and injured animals
Edgar Allen Poe
~was born January 19, 1809 in Boston.
~was born January 19, 1809 in Boston.
~ 1809-1849
~mother died in Richmond on December 8, 1811.
Moldavia, Poe's last home in Richmond located at Fifth and Main Streets. John Allan bought the house in 1825, and Edgar lived there before entering the University of Virginia in 1826.
American- Boston
Poet- short stories
Wife died young
Engaged- Secretly
Drank heavily
Black bird
Large crow
Symbol of death
Carries to souls
Mates for life
24 inches tall
Edgar Allen Poe
*Edgar Allan Poe was born January 19, 1809 in Boston, where his mother had been employed as an actress. He died on Sunday, October 7, 1849.
*In personal appearance, Poe was a quiet, shy-looking but handsome man; he was slightly built, and was five feet, eight inches in height. His mouth was considered beautiful. His eyes, with long dark lashes, were hazel-gray.
*He was an editor of Burton's Gentleman's Magazine from July, 1839 to June, 1840, and of Graham's Magazine from April, 1841 to May, 1842. In April, 1844, with barely car fare for his family of three, [including his aunt, Virginia's mother, who lived with them], Poe went to New York where he found work on the New York Evening Mirror.
*In 1825 Edgar Allen Poe secretly engaged Sarah Elmira Royster
*His wife died because she was very ill.
*He had a raven on his grade.
*Black bird
*Large Crow
*They mate for life.
*They are a symbol for death. *They eat anything even dead things.
*They eat anything even dead things.
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